Redeemer Community Church

Redeemer Community Church exists to glorify God by equipping Christ's people to live faithful lives of worship and mission, giving every man, woman, and child repeated opportunities to hear and respond to the Gospel.

We currently have a Missional Community meeting most Tuesday nights in Minoa. This group is working through the early stages of what, in the Lord’s timing, we hope will become a new church plant in the area: Redeemer Community Church. For more information about this effort, or to get involved, please contact Pastor Brandon Owen.

The Place | Kirkville/Minoa, NY

Kirkville/Minoa is a suburban area about 15 miles east of Syracuse, NY that is in need of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Village of Minoa itself has a population of ~4,000 yet within five miles of the Village center resides ~40,000 people. This community has a high level of rural diversity with a large portion being middle American working families who live with unique opportunities and challenges. With over 7,000 people and few gospel preaching churches there is an obvious need and strategic opportunity for us to bring the gospel of Jesus to this bedroom community in the heart of Central New York.

The Vision | A Gospel Church

It is our desire to see a vibrant, gospel-preaching church in the Kirkville/Minoa area that takes responsibility to share the gospel with every man, woman, and child in Kirkville/Minoa, partner with other gospel-centered churches, and plant more churches in the years ahead. Our vision is to see this group participate in church planting and gospel saturation all across Central New York.

The Mission | Equipping for Evangelization

Our mission is to glorify God by equipping all of Christ’s people to live faithful lives of worship and take the gospel to every man, woman and child in our communities.
It’s about the glory of God. It focuses on an interdependent elder team equipping all of Christ’s people to live faithfully as a disciple of Jesus and member in Christ’s Body, the Church. It’s hope is that such equipping will give every man, woman, and child opportunities to hear and respond to the message of the gospel. The strategy is geographic, relational, and people-empowerment intensive.

The Values | God. Truth. Love. Mission.

We value God because He is the Creator and beginning of all things. He holds everything together. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present, and the giver of Salvation. We value Jesus as the Truth. He, along with the truth of Scripture, reveals God’s character, plan, and salvation. All Scripture is God-breathed, living, and the foundation on which we build our lives. We value Love because God is love. He first lavished his unconditional love upon us, which compels us to love Him and others. These are the two greatest commandments. We value Mission because God has commanded us to make disciples of every man, woman, and child. We are created to glorify God by living on mission with God.

The Plan | Setting DNA and empower people

Our plan is to identify and invite 10-15 people to be a part of out initial “core” team who will meet weekly to set the “DNA” for this new work. Once this initial stage is completed we will connect them into geographically-specific Missional Communities where discipleship, community, and mission will take place. Encouraging each member to be in a discipling relationship will all the more fuel mission in the lives of people who are far from God. These groups will seek to live out the MyCircle principles for personal evangelism by identifying, praying for, engaging, and sharing the gospel with unbelievers.

Additionally, it is our firm conviction that this congregation will function both in interdependence and autonomy with its sending church as it grows. Initially it will be overseen by the elder team at Clay Community Church until such time that enough elders can be raised up for each congregation to have their own elder team. Historically, in our setting, we have coined the phrase “interdependent autonomy.” What this means is that it will eventually be an autonomous congregation with its own elder team, membership, and legal standing. At the same time, this church plant will live out its mission interdependently with Clay Community Church. It will remain part of the “family” meaning people, gifts, and resources will be shared sacrificially.

The Timeline | ~ Spring 2025

Our hope is to have this Core Group meet for the remainder of 2024. As we meet measurable benchmarks in group size, discipleship and health we hope to move forward with starting public Sunday gatherings sometime in the Spring of 2025. The actual timeline will take into account the needs of both Clay Community Church and the church plant. We are taking one step at a time, ensuring health while embracing the ambitious call to plant with an open handed and benchmark driven timeline.