Missional Communities

Missional Communities exist to give every man, woman, and child in a particular geography repeated opportunities to hear and respond to the Gospel.

Missional Communities

A Missional Community (MC) is a group of Christians united by a shared commitment to actively and intentionally share the Gospel within a specific geographic area. MC’s regularly come together for Bible study, prayer, and mutual encouragement, fostering a deep sense of connection and purpose. The central focus of their gatherings is not only to strengthen their own faith but also to strategize and support one another in their shared mission of reaching out to those in their local context. By meeting regularly, these communities aim to grow spiritually, cultivate a sense of accountability, and effectively engage with the broader community in a meaningful and intentional way.

Kirkville-Minoa MC

We currently have a Missional Community meeting most Tuesday nights in Minoa. This group is working through the early stages of what, in the Lord’s timing, may become a new church plant in the Kirkville-Minoa area. For more information about this MC, please contact Pastor Brandon Owen.