Our Leaders

Clay Community Church is a covenantal community which is ruled by Jesus, led by Elders, served by Deacons, and accountable to one another as fellow members of the congregation.

Our Elders

Elders are under-shepherds of Christ. They are men with a mature faith who are charged with providing spiritual oversight and pastoral ministry within the body (1 Timothy 3:1-7; 1 Peter 5:1-3). Scripture calls us to seek a plurality of elders, each with complimentary giftedness and areas of focus. They are given by God as a gift to the church, to equip God’s people to carry out His purposes in the world (Ephesians 4:11-12). The elders have a mutual responsibility to provide encouragement, exhortation, and accountability for one another. Some elders may make their living through preaching and teaching, while others may work jobs outside the church, however no single elder holds more authority than another (1 Timothy 5:17).

Len Flack

Len Flack


Len and Diana met during their time at Davis College, and were married in the spring of 2004. They are the parents of two children, Elijah and Moriah.

Len is a skilled writer, a gospel-centered preacher, and a discerning teacher of the word. He is deeply committed to using those gifts to empower Christ’s people to understand scripture and live faithful lives of worship. Len brings years of pastoral ministry experience to Clay Community Church, along with a genuine heart for missional community engagement.

Brandon Owen

Brandon Owen


Brandon and Alaina married in the fall of 2005. They are the parents of nine children adopted through their involvement in foster care.

Brandon has a heart to help people find completeness in Jesus Christ and lead faithful lives of worship. He has a passion to develop authentic biblical community, and equip others to live for the glory of God through faithful lives of worship and take seriously their responsibility to present the gospel to every man, woman, and child.

Our Deacons

Deacons are servants of Christ. They are individuals who are charged with facilitating the day-to-day material and logistical needs of the church. First modeled in Acts 6, deacons help coordinate ministries which meet temporal needs and provide care for the church and community. The work of the deacons is essential, as it frees up the elders to focus on prayer and the ministry of the word. Like the elders, those who serve as deacons are to be mature believers, with a track-record of faithfulness in their families and the church (1 Timothy 3:8-13).

John Humphrey

John Humphrey


Pat Leitgeb

Pat Leitgeb


Gwen Seguin

Gwen Seguin


Dave Sensinger

Dave Sensinger

Building & Grounds