Wednesday Equip

We gather together each Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm to sharpen one another in both orthodoxy and orthopraxy.

The 1689 Confession

Our Wednesday Equip sessions generally consist of two parts, a truth component and a mission component.

For our truth component, we are currently walking through a guided study of the 1689 Confession. We read together, discuss the topics presented in each chapter, and use the confession as a map to the larger redemptive themes of Scripture.

MyCircle Evangelism Training

For our mission component, we’re currently engaged in MyCircle Evangelism Tranining. The heart behind the MyCircle Initiative is to help equip the people of God to participate in God’s redemptive mission within the context of their daily lives and relationships, by helping them understand how to:

  1. Identify the network of relationships in the midst of which God has placed them; this is their circle.

  2. Pray daily for the spiritual and tangible needs of those in their circle.

  3. Meaningfully engage their circle through conversation and tangible Gospel presence.

  4. Share their grace story as well as proclaim the Gospel to the people in their circle.